
Coronavirus information site

More Frequent Bus Service

To meet the increased demand of transportation thanks to the recent relaunching of the economy, the Tüke Busz Zrt will provide more frequent bus service from 25 May. The following apply from 25 May: you can get on the bus only at the front door, to...

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Further Easing of Restrictions

“We have consulted with mayors, virologists, doctors; we have made a well-established decision,” Minister Gulyás said on Saturday, announcing that new, less strict restrictions will take effect from Monday. It is still compulsory to wear masks in...

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University of Pécs Mapping the virus

Medical universities of Hungary are participating in a nationwide screening programme launched on 29 April aiming to map the scale of the virus outbreak. PCR tests will be conducted with a representative sample of some 18,000 people over the age of...

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The Latest Decree of the Rector (7 May)

Dear University Citizens! The government decree No. 168/2020.(IV.30.) empowers the rector to allow the students to enter university facilities, however, with respect to the continued state of emergency, the legally issued curfew and travel...

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New ordinances

Below you can find a summary of the ordinances and actions decided upon by Attila Péterffy, mayor of Pécs between May 4th and May 6th, regarding the public spaces, parks, markets, market hall and zoo: Market hall and markets Ordinances entering force...

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Information regarding the validity of the residence permit

Dear International Students, We would like to share an important information with you, regarding the validity of your residence permit. According to paragraph 6. of Government Decree 85/2020 (5 April), the validity of student residence permits is...

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Recommendations under the emergency

Dear Students! The measures and recommendations under the emergency related to the COVID-19 epidemic are taken in order to minimize and control the spread of the disease. We are regretfully informed about multiple cases of student gatherings...

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Changes in local bus schedules

The municipality of Pécs is constantly examining the possibilities of changes in local bus schedules. Our goal is to minimize exposure to the coronavirus epidemic, taking into account the principle of proportionality. At the same time, the operation...

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The TV-tower of Pécs is celebrating the healthcare workers as well

As you may know, there is a global initiative, that encourages people to stand in their balconies or windows, every night, at 20:00, and applause for the healthcare workers worldwide. Both personally, and officially I am incredibly thankful for those...

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Open Letter to the Citizens of Pécs from Rector Attila Miseta

Dear Citizens of Pécs! In this extraordinary situation, more and more acts keep happening that adversely affect international students studying in Pécs. This is especially so in the case of students from the far East, even if they have been living in...

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